名古屋大学 高等教育研究センター

第41回客員教授セミナー 高等教育における教育の論理 ブルース・マクファーレン 氏 英国テムズヴァレー大学 2008年3月21日(金) 15時〜17時 名古屋大学 文系総合間5階509号室

■ 講演要旨

■ 開催案内


The good professor: the ethics of teaching in higher education

日時: 2008年3月21日(金) 15時〜17時
場所: 名古屋大学 文系総合館5階509号室


‘Good’ university teaching is normally defined as understanding student learning styles, using innovative techniques to engage learners, and reflecting critically on one's own practice. Less attention, however, has been focused on the ethical aspects of what it means to be a ‘good’ professor. Here, the character of the professor is critical in establishing and maintaining trust with students. This seminar will outline the relevance of a series of moral virtues to higher education teaching. These virtues include respectfulness, sensitivity, pride, courage, fairness, openness, restraint and collegiality. There are also vices associated with each of these virtues which potentially damage relationships with students. Participants will be invited to discuss these virtues and vices on the basis of practical illustrations from university practice.


お問い合わせ:夏目達也 <natsume@cshe.nagoya-u.ac.jp> (tel:052-789-5696)


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