Hoseung Byun 氏
名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 文系総合館5階 アクティブラーニングスタジオ
- 講演題目
- 韓国における高等教育改革
-財政支援と評価による教育の質保証- - 講演者
- Hoseung Byun 氏
(忠北大学教育学部・教授) - 日時
- 2017年8月22日(火)16:00~18:00
- 場所
- 名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 文系総合館5階 アクティブラーニングスタジオ
To rise from the ashes of the war, Korea needed universities to educate and train necessary workforces to rebuild up the country. Many universities and colleges were established to take up the role. However, globalization and fierce competition, as well as decrease in birth rate gave a wakeup call to streamline the higher education system in terms of quantity and quality. The term ‘structural reform (構造改革)’ is used instead of ‘downsizing.’ The government aims to reduce 160,000 students by 2023. The strategies used by the government is to link university evaluation, reduction of student quota, and financial support to guide structural reform. Merging and retirement of universities are included in the process. Criteria for evaluation include educational condition, academic affairs management, student support, and education output. As of this year, 44,000 student quota is reduced compared to 2013.
Even though quantified goals are achieved, whether the ‘quality’ is enhanced due to the reform is in question. Higher education community criticises artificial reforms by ranking universities and degrading them as instruments of job employment. Other issues and concerns remain. First, it will widen the gap between capital and regional universities which is already steep. Second, the portion of private universities in the higher education will be even greater. Third, although it is the liberty of each university to select one’s own method to reduce student quota, unpopular departments such as humanities and arts are to become scapegoats of the restructuring. Other conflicting views also exist. One of them is, if good universities’ quota are reduced more than necessary, it will hinder rights of parents and students’ freedom and feed the insolvent universities to prolong their lives.
Now, the structural reform is in its 2nd stage. Reflecting criticism and moving to a new direction based on social consensus is required.
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