名古屋大学 高等教育研究センター

名古屋大学高等教育研究センター 第106回客員教授セミナー カンボジアにおける高等教育
Higher Education and its Research in Cambodia: For what and for whom?
UN, Leang 氏 カンボジア王立プノンペン大学人文・社会学部 学部長 2022年6月30日(木) 14:00-16:00

■ 開催案内


Higher Education and its Research in Cambodia:
For what and for whom?
UN, Leang 氏
(カンボジア王立プノンペン大学人文・社会学部 学部長)
2022年6月30日(木) 14:00-16:00




The higher education and its research in Cambodia was developed not only recent, but also uneven. The first modern university was established only in 1960 and expanded briefly before it was interrupted by the first civil war (1970-1975) and was shuttered by the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979). It then remained underdeveloped during the second civil war (1979-1991). Only fairly recently has higher education and its research become an important pillar of Cambodian development strategy under the influence of the logical correlation between innovative knowledge of higher education and its research and the construction of a knowledge-based economy and society.

In this seminar, I will explore the development of higher education and its research in Cambodia after the end of civil war in early 1990s, focusing on how that affects the indicator of innovative knowledge and development in term of what for and for whom. The seminar will be divided into six sections. 1) briefly present the historical background of Cambodia, 2) outline the current situation of Cambodian higher education and its research, 3) attempt to answer how did Cambodian higher education and its research arrive at their current status, 4) explore the relationship between Cambodian higher education - its research and development by trying to answer: What and who is Cambodian higher education and its research for? 5) examine what is the future direction of Cambodian higher education and its research. Finally, 6) it will provide a personal concluding remark that suggests an alternative future direction of Cambodian higher education and its research.

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Language: English

■ Lecture Summary

Cambodian higher education and its research were developed not only recently, but also unevenly. The first modern university was established only in 1960, and higher education and its research were expanded briefly focusing on Cambodianization within the larger nation-building project after the independent in 1953. This process was interrupted by the more than two decades of civil wars and especially was completely shut down by the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979). Higher education landscape in Cambodia has been transformed dramatically since the introduction of public-private partnership in 1997 that allows the private sector to operate Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and allow the public HEIs to accept the self-sponsored students.

Between 1997 to 2021, the number of HEIs increases from 8 to 130 (of which 72 are private) and the number of students mushrooms from less than 10,000 to about 200,000. Majority of students enroll in business related subject such as accounting and management along with two other popular majors, English and IT. In term of research, Cambodia’s performance and output is very low, especially in the field of science and technology measured by peer reviewed publication which is a common academic standards and practices. Consequently, Cambodia ranks very low in global knowledge index and innovation index.

The role of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) higher education and research in development, especially for economic growth and poverty reduction are taken for granted, especially among development organization and policy maker. Since 1990s, though Cambodia registers an impressive economic growth at the macro level, yet its GDP per capita remain low compare to neighboring countries. Also, though the rate of poverty reduced quite substantially, it remains high at about 18%. Further the gap between the poor and the rich is widening. Furthermore, despite impressive physical infrastructure improvement, social services and social safety net and security which are the foundation of social progress remain far from satisfactory.

The analysis from the donors, development worker as well as among Cambodian policy maker is still focusing on economic growth with the expectation this will have spill-over effect on other social issues. They argue that higher education and its research do not response the market need and industrial development which is the foundation of economic growth. So, their policy and project interventions focus solely on reforming governance and accountability to address the issues through promoting STEM higher education and research with the ultimate goal is to increase worker’s skill and productivities as well as diversifying economic growth’s foundation. This one-side development discourse is forgetting the role of higher education in addressing many social and human issues.

This critical stance towards the current higher education development discourse, however, by no means implies that economic prosperity should not be one of the outcomes of higher education and its research. There must be a need to re-think and re-engage beyond the reform agenda to re-content higher education and its research in Cambodia to address a wide range of societal issues, rather than solely focus on economic growth-oriented reform,






100名(申込締切 6月27日)

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