名古屋大学高等教育研究センター 第109回客員教授セミナー 台湾における高等教育の国際化: 地政学的・社会的変化の中での新たな展開 Higher Education Internationalization in Taiwan: New Developments in the Context of Geopolitical and Social Changes Jason Cheng-Cheng Yang 氏 台湾 国立嘉義大学大学院教育行政政策開発研究科 教授 2023年3月14日(火) 15:00-17:00
- 講演題目
- 台湾における高等教育の国際化:
地政学的・社会的変化の中での新たな展開 - Higher Education Internationalization in Taiwan:
New Developments in the Context of Geopolitical and Social Changes - 講演者
- Jason Cheng-Cheng Yang 氏
(台湾 国立嘉義大学大学院教育行政政策開発研究科 教授) - 日時
- 2023年3月14日(火) 15:00-17:00
- 台湾におけるIoHEの現状
- 「世界トップレベルの大学創設」を遂げた後のIoHEの新しい政策
- 実証データからみる台湾IoHEの新たな成長
- 台湾IoHEが取り扱うプロジェクト(国際研究、留学生、海外教員、英語教育(EMI)、留学)
- 申し込み方法
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100名(申込締切 3月10日) - 使用言語
英語 - 参加方法
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ここ10数年、アジアの高等教育機関がワールドクラスの大学として認められるために国際化の重要性が高まっている。台湾も例外ではないが、その重点は、自国の国際化、英語で学べる授業(EMI 教育)の推進、東南アジアの連携など、複数の目標(マルチゴール)を置くように変わってきた。
Internationalization became greater important in Asia in the last decade for pursuing world class status amongst HEIs. Taiwan is no exception, which changed the focus to multi-goals including internationalization at home, to promote English Medium Instruction (EMI) teaching for students, and to link Taiwan with South-Eastern Asia.
This seminar will depicture the impacts of multi-goals on the future of higher education in Taiwan based on data from policy documents and statistical data of Ministry of Education to reveal the macro changes of international students, faculty, programs, and research collaborations between Taiwan and other main countries in the last decade. Important factors that lead Taiwan’s new higher education developments could be geopolitical risks and the forming of aging society. Internationalization policies and data support the argument that Taiwan is trying to transform from a foreign education receiver to a higher education hub in Asia.
本セミナーは Zoom によるオンライン開催です。以下をご確認のうえ、お一人様1アカウントにてお申し込みください。
Lecture Summary
Taiwan’s modern higher education system started from 1920s and was kept absorbing features from experiences of Japan, China, and the United States. In the last 30 years, higher education in Taiwan experienced elite, mass, and universal phases of expansion of opportunities. Now it has entered the phase of post-universal higher education, and the issue of over-supply became a problem. The declining total population is an important systematic challenge of Taiwan and it strongly influenced policies. The coping strategies applied by the Taiwan government include mergers of institutions, quality assurance, and internationalization of higher education (IoHE).
The research purposes of this seminar include: (1) to describe the current context of IoHE in Taiwan; (2) to describe the new policies of IoHE after the end of “Building world-class university project”; (3) to describe the new developments of IoHE in Taiwan by empirical data; (4) to discuss IoHE themes in Taiwan: international research, international students, international faculty, English-medium instruction (EMI) course, and study abroad.
IoHE in Taiwan can be divided into two stages. The first stage is “Building World-Class University Policy” from 2005 to 2017. In this stage, policy focus is to enhance professors’ international research outcomes and institution’s international ranking. The second stage of IoHE in Taiwan is to apply multiple approaches for building an education hub in Asia, such as efforts of internationalization at home, to increase EMI courses, and to strengthen collaborations with Southeastern Asia by new south-bond policy.
The seminar used data from Statistical Bureau of Ministry of Education in Taiwan, National Science Council of Taiwan, and SCOPUS dataset. The first dimension of IoHE is international research development. This seminar explained that Taiwan’s overall international research publications increased significantly from 2005. The increase persisted even after the end of building world class university policy in 2017. To publish in international journals became a mainstream behavior. However, research articles wrote in Chinese language declined significantly simultaneously, and this transformation signified the problem of losing local knowledge. The case study of EMI instruction at one research university suggested that 60% of future courses will be taught in English soon, this transformation can also cause the problem of losing local language learning opportunities.
The data found that international faculty of higher education in Taiwan slightly increased at national universities. Another finding is the increasing diversity amongst international faculty in Taiwan. Most of international students of Taiwan are from Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia, this finding highlighted the successful collaborations between Taiwan and Southeastern Asia. The data of studying abroad for academic degrees found that Taiwanese students gradually chose new destination countries in Asia, such as Japan, South Korea, and Australia. This transformation also signified the rise of internationalization of higher education in the Asia Pacific region.