*Date of Birth
M.A. from University of Nagoya 1982.
*Reserch Interests
Higher Education, Secondary Education, Career Education
*Area of Specialization
- Career Education in Higher Education
- Organization of Faculty Development
- Organization of Programm 'Preparing Future Faculty'
- Orgaisation of the articulation between Secondary Education and Higher Education
- Comparative study of Higher Education Policy
*Professional Experience
- February 1990~March 1996; Specialist, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
- April 1996-March 1999, Associate Professor at the School of Education, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan.
- April 1999-March 2004, Professor at the Admission Research Center, Tohoku University, Japan.
- April 2004~present; Professor at the Center for the Studies of Higher Education, Nagoya University, Japan.
*Selected Publications
- Natsume T., 2009, "Academic Development in Australia", "Conclusion- Suggestion of Australian experience to Faculty Development in Japan", in The Center for the Advancement of Higher Education in Tohoku University ed., Beyond Faculty Development, Tohoku University Press.
- Natsume T., 2009, " Vocational Education in France" in Japanese Association for Research on French Education ed. Tradition and Innovation of Education in France, Daigaku-kyoiku shuppan Press.
- Natsume T., 2008, "Vocational Education and Training for Young Generation" in eds., The Other Choice for Career Development, Japanese Research Association of Materials for Vocational Training
- Natsume T., 2008, "School-Based Vocational Education" in Japan High School Teachers Union ed., Learn, Work and Unite, Kamogawa Press.
- Natsume T., 2009, "Actual Situation of Small Group Seminar in Nagoya University" in The Center for the Advancement of Higher Education in Tohoku University ed., Small Group Seminar in First Year and Conversion of Learning, Tohoku Universdity Press.
- Natsume T., 2007, "Apprenticeship and Further Vocational Education in France" in Hiranuma T. eds., International Comparative Study on Training of Qualified Workers, Minerva Press.
- Natsume T., 2008, "Exploring the Possibility of Network for Faculty Development" in Journal of Liberal and General Education, Liberal and General Education Society of Japan.
- Natsume T., 2008, "Entrance 'Exam' of French Universities" in Higher Education Today, Institute for Development of Higher Education.
- Natsume T., 2008, "Faculty Development in Nagoya University" in Higher Education Today, Institute for Development of Higher Education.
- Natsume T., 2008, "Actual Situation of Organization of Graduate Education in France" in Nagoya Journal of Higher Education The Center for the Studies of Higher Education (CSHE), Nagoya University
- Natsume T., 2008, "Teaching Assistant System in Japan, USA and France", in Kira N. and Kitano A. Journal of Liberal and General Education, Liberal and General Education Society of Japan.
- Natsume T., 2007, "Exploring the Possibility of Network for Faculty Development" in Journal of Liberal and General Education, Liberal and General Education Society of Japan.
- Natsume T., 2007, "Problems of Transition to Work for Youth in France", in Journal of Japanese Association for Research on French Education. Japanese Association for Research on French
- Natsume, T., 2003, "Vocation Training in France" in the Overseas Vocational Training Association ed., Handbook for Fostering Human Resource in Foreign Countries, the Overseas Vocational Training Association.
- Natsume, T., 2002, "Actual Condition and Reform of Organization of Primary & Secondary Schools Class in France", in Binmei K ed., Comprehensive Study on Class Organization, Taga Shuppan Press.
- Natsume, T., 2000, "New Entrance Examination in Tohoku University" in Center for the Information of Higher Education.
- Center for the Studies of Higher Education at Nagoya University, Curriculum Design for University Education, Printech Press, 2007
- Center for the Studies of Higher Education at Nagoya University, Study Tips for Nagoya University Freshmen- Aim at being a Scholarly Citizen , Printech Press, 2006.
- Center for the Studies of Higher Education at Nagoya University, Study Tips for Nagoya University Freshmen- Do Active Learning, Printech Press, 2006.
- Center for the Studies of Higher Education at Nagoya University, Seven Suggestions for Good Teaching and Learning at Nagoya University, 2005.
- Center for the Studies of Higher Education at Nagoya University, Course Design Handbook for Professional School, 2004.