Research Fellow
Tatsuya TOOKA
*Last Update: May 27th, 2022.
*Date of Birth
- 2014 M.A. from University of Nagoya
*Research Interests
- Institutions and organizations in Higher education
- Lifelong-learning, continuing education
*Selected Publications
- Takagi, M., Fujii, T. and Tooka, T., 2022, "Music Education Programs in the German Higher Education System : Universität, Musikhochschule, Fachhochschule", Nagoya Journal of Higher Education, 22, pp.139-158.
- Tooka, T., 2021, "Trends and Issues in University Extension Center Research", Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Educational Sciences, 67(2), pp. 43-55.
- Tooka, T., 2019, "The Role of Science Communication at University : Perceptions of Science Communicators Related via Interviews", Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Educational Sciences, 66(1), pp.85-97.